Library collection

Ethnological Studies
The original holdings were collected when the Institute was an incorporated foundation. These have been augmented by purchase, exchange, and donation since it was transferred to Kanagawa University and currently number approximately 100,000 titles. Private collections include the Teizo Iyanaga Ancient Japanese History Collection and the Takeharu Kawaoka and Noboru Miyata Folklore Studies Collections. The library holdings of Shibusawa Foundation for Ethnological Studies (Minzokugaku Shinko Kai) were also transferred to the Institute when it was dissolved.
The total collections cover the fields of local history, folklore studies, ethnology, history of shing, and history of traditional technology.
Note: Bibliographies are searchable on the Kanagawa University Library OPAC.
Serial Publications
Through exchange of bulletins from museums nationwide and journals from various academic societies, the library holds approximately 2,800 titles and 1,715 titles of serials formerly owned by the Shibusawa Foundation for Ethnological Studies.
Institute for the Study of Japanese Folk Culture
Kanagawa University
Tel: +81-(0)45-481-5661
Fax: +81-(0)45-413-4151