Core Joint Research Project "Comprehensive History of Everyday Life” General Research on Weaving and Uses of Textiles
Geographical scope
The study focuses on areas related to textiles and the raw materials used in their production, primarily within Japan.
A special exhibition from the Tsutomu Watanabe Collection was held to showcase sashiko embroidery from the Shonai, Tsugaru, and Nanbu regions.
Photographing Kogire-Zaiku (Craftworks Made from Textile Leftovers: Bags/Pouches)
Textiles are fundamental to human life, with a wide range of materials spun into thread and woven into fabric for different uses. This research involves a comprehensive study of how various materials are transformed into textiles and how these textiles are applied in different contexts. Although primarily used for clothing and related items (e.g., bags, tenugui hand towels, etc.), textiles serve many purposes beyond apparel and the raw materials vary accordingly. This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how textile properties differ by material and how these differences influence usage.
Expected Outcomes
Through collaboration with university staff and external researchers, we will collect and organize data to make it accessible as a cultural resource for researchers at other institutions. Additionally, we expect the findings to support educational and promotional projects, including teaching materials and exhibition facilities at the university.
Duration: 2019-